Tuesday 15 October 2013

Filing Systems

The trouble with being an untidy slob with OCD tendencies is that I tend to be inconsistent when it comes to my filing system.  Or perhaps I should say, 'systems'.  I currently have at least four.
Several years ago my daughter gave me a lovely set of 3 lever-arch files, complete with covers.  I use one for paid bills, one for my pay slips and employment records and one for anything to do with income tax returns.  I filed every document straight away, into plastic pockets in the relevant file.  After a while though, the 'bills' file was full to bursting, so I removed a whole load of the older papers, stuffed them in a carrier bag in my wardrobe and started again.  It has now reached that stage once more; the 'bills' file is too fat to go back in its cover...

....but my wardrobe is full.
My second filing system is what I like to call my 'open archive'.  This consists of all types of documents, filed in date order of when they were received.  It also incorporates documents relating to my family history research, and notes about current writing projects.  It actually works quite well, as I can usually remember more or less when I've dealt with particular things, and it has the added bonus that I can easily keep current items on top.  This is a very flexible, easily accessible system, that I highly recommend.  Its superficial resemblance to 'a pile of old papers' is merely coincidence.

An extension of the open archive, which has become a sort of micro-system, is a black leather briefcase that I bought for 1 Euro at a French boot fair last year.  It sits on the floor next to my desk, and contains any papers relating to my day job.  These, I have to admit, are not in any particular order but, since I never have to look at them, it doesn't really matter.
I have now, though, discovered what I believe may be the ultimate filing system.  It's neat, unobtrusive, easily accessible and ordered.  It has all the advantages of both the files and the piles.  Everything goes in on the day it's finished with, and I can satisfy my inner control freak with a thorough review and re-filing of the contents once a year.  Readers, I give you....... The Box!