Tuesday 22 October 2013

Public Image

There exist only 4 photos of me that I really like - I hate having my picture taken - actually, that's wrong; I don't mind being photographed, it's the results I don't like.  I'm perfectly comfortable with how I look in the mirror, but as soon as my features are immortalised in print I'm transformed into a squinting, lopsided maniac.  Now, though, I have to come up with a stunning image of myself to go on the back cover of Lost Prinsipels (Available soon! I promise!) that will complement the fab picture on the front by the highly skilled and scarily insightful Jon-Paul McCarthy.

 I do actually have a good, recent photo of myself.  Trouble is, there are people in the background, and I have no idea who they are.  I tried blocking them out, but I can't get the shading right.  Also, the colour of my scarf looks terrible with the cover colour.  {I tried making the picture greyscale, but it just didn't look right.  And the aforesaid strangers were still there, so I gave up on that idea.} 

The other picture of me that I really love is of when I was 16.  It's on my facebook page but, sadly, the quality is too poor to work in print.  I rather like my old school photo too, but that's one of those great long ones that, allegedly, people run round the back of and appear in twice.  If I can't remove a couple of strangers from a restaurant, I'll never manage to block out an entire school.  Also, it is too big to fit on the scanner.

That leaves me with my final photo.  I'm very happy with how I look in it, even if it is rather an odd pose, and the quality of the original image is quite good.  However, it was taken some time ago, and I don't think it really conveys much of my character now.

I suppose I shall just have to be brave and have a new picture taken.