Friday 9 August 2013

Too short, too beautiful

Not me, obviously.  I'm 5'4" which is tall enough for most purposes, and the only claim I'm going to make about my appearance is that I'm not scarily ugly.  No, I'm referring to life itself.  It's a bit of a cliché, I suppose, but it struck me forcibly last weekend when we went to visit friends - one in hospital, one in a care home, and both about my age.

Some things - or people - are worth making a sacrifice for, but I'm no longer willing to risk my health or sanity for no good reason.  And while compromise is sometimes sensible or polite, there are some things that bring so much pleasure that I'm not prepared to do without them.  Here's the start of my list, of things that life is too short for:

Inferior toilet paper. You only get one body, so treat it kindly.  The soft stuff costs a little bit more, but you use it every day.  Why start the morning being irritated?
Nasty tea. We had a delicious breakfast at the pub we stayed in at the weekend and, when the plump, creamy teapot was brought forth, I eagerly anticipated a reviving brew.  Imagine my distress, on taking a large gulp of Lady Grey.  Alright, so it's a lot better than Earl Grey, but what isn't?  Now, I didn't want to upset the chef, who seemed a decent young man, and I was rather thirsty.  Clearly this was one of those occasions when compromise was called for so, rather than spitting it out and calling for a large mug of the fine beverage of which the knitted monkey speaks so highly in the advertisements, I drank it up uncomplaining.
Worrying about what you can't change. On the evening before the breakfast, we'd been late back and missed dinner.  We had hoped to find somewhere to eat on the way, but we were in a rather remote area, and couldn't find anywhere still serving food at 9pm.  We ended up going back to the pub, where I had half a pint of bitter, a packet of crisps and a Crunchie bar.  My beloved, who can't mix sweet and savoury without having a sneezing fit, had a pint of bitter and two packets of peanuts. It was fine.  We were warm, comfortable, and a lot healthier than our friends.  Besides, we knew we were going to get a good breakfast the next morning, with a lovely cup of tea......