Tuesday 22 January 2013

Get with the program

"...and for the weather where you are," the presenter concluded, "you can look online". What happened to looking out of the window? What if you don't have a computer? Well, obviously you and I do, otherwise you couldn't read this. But perhaps you're reading it on your phone - what's that all about? It seems that the last thing we need phones for now is making calls, and if we can't go online then we can't join in society.

I had no mobile connection for most of this week, which I was blaming on the snow, but it only bothered me because I couldn't access the internet in my lunch break. My technical advisor suggested switching it off, then on again (which did the trick) but you wouldn't believe the panic I felt as I pressed the 'off' button; it was as if I was erasing myself from the world. {What was I thinking? It wasn't working anyway!}

There seems to be an increasing need to keep up with technology, or be isolated. I am therefore forcing myself into 'social networking'. This is difficult as, like many writers, I'm a bit solitary. So far I have one Facebook Friend, and I only had the courage to invite her because she'd previously agreed to it. However, I'm building pages {Hey, listen to me with the jargon!} for some of my characters, so hopefully they'll be my friends too.

Aaargh! I've just pressed the wrong button on my washing machine so, instead of hanging up nice clean clothes, I have to hang around while they go through the wash cycle again. At least I can look out of the window at the snow.