thermostat above my desk said 15.7 degrees yesterday morning, which was a lot
warmer than it's been, but still too cold to sit and write. However, as I'm
getting a bit anxious about the cost of turning on the heating, I decided to
dress for the occasion instead. After all, I grew up in a flat that was
so cold my poor mother had to put on her coat before venturing into the bedroom
to do the vacuuming.

I write best
first thing in the morning, after tea and biscuits, but before getting dressed
properly. Also, I rather like the decadence of having a bath in the
afternoon and then dressing for dinner. So I'd just pulled on a pair of
stretchy jersey trousers and a loose top. No, it's not a tracksuit. Why
would you think that I would posses such a garment? It is smart-casual
workwear, or at least, it was when I bought it, circa 1998. {I've never understood 'smart-casual'.
I have enough problems with 'smart'.} It is a very comfortable
ensemble, especially when teamed with woolly slipper-boots. {I love these! I have three pairs!} Sadly, the trousers have become somewhat
stretched and worn now, and embarrassing holes are starting to appear around
the back seam. I was also still cold, so I decided to add a long
... which
was not quite as long as I remembered, so didn't help much in terms of elegance
or camouflage, but at least it was a bit warmer.
Now, I did,
of course, realize that no-one was going to see me, and I would be sitting
But I always feel a bit uneasy with only a thinly covered behind.
It was too
cold to take the trousers off and put on a different pair... and anyway, I'm
not sure that I have another pair that are clean and still fit. Nothing
else for it, I added a long, woollen skirt. Of course on top of the trousers!
That did the
trick, so I settled down to attempt writing a press release for the book.
Didn't get very far, but did learn a lot about "Writing Magnetic
Headlines" from something I found on the internet, in between playing
endless rounds of Spider Solitaire.
By about half
past two I was cold again {despite having
made a further couple of additions to my clothing} and hungry as
well. Still in the interests of saving money, I tend to just have a bowl
of porridge for lunch. I could probably save even more if I bought a big
bag of economy oats, rather than neat little sachets, but that would mean doing
real cooking, rather than simply nuking it. So I nuked my porridge and
sat on the edge of the toilet to eat it while I ran the bath, since this was
now the warmest place in the house. Yes, I know I would have saved more
money by just having a shower, but my original intention had been to eat the
porridge in the bath, and you can't
do that in a shower. Well, I suppose you can, but I don't like runny
porridge. And it wouldn't have got my feet warm like the bath did.
Oh, did you
want to see what else I ended up wearing? A blanket, and my favourite,
fingerless writing gloves.