Monday 10 December 2012


I'm starting to realize that I have quite a lot in common with my father.  We both hate flying.  We're both terrible at writing letters.  And, according to my daughter, we both have weird-looking feet.  {I dispute this.  My feet are gorgeous; it says so in my shoes.}

Now, I've discovered another trait we share; we're both technologically challenged. For over a year I've been trying to persuade him to use Skype.  Now, at last, he has it installed and was ready to give it a go.  As arranged, he phoned first, so I could talk him through it.
Dad: Right, I've got it on, and I've got you as a contact.  What do I do now?
Me: You're not showing up as online.  Is your internet on?
Dad: Oh, right, I've got to have them both on?  Hang on, I'll go and do it.  Talk to Jan! (He hands phone to his wife.)
Jan: He's just gone to switch the internet on - the computer's in the other room.
(Pause, while I can hear him pottering about at the other end.)
Me: Right, I can see he's online now, I'll call him.
Jan: What does he have to do?
Me: He'll see a button come up on his screen to accept the call, he just has to click it.
(I hear this information being relayed.  Then I see a black screen, with me in the corner.)
Jan: We can see you!
Me: Well I can't see him!  Can he hear me?  Through the computer I mean, not over the phone.
Jan: I'll ask him...
This goes on for some time.  Eventually I can see him, but apparently the signal isn't good enough for sound and pictures together.  We wave at each other, and give up.
I suppose I shouldn't criticize.  It's taken me over two weeks to work out how to insert a picture in the middle of this post rather than at the beginning (which is the default thingy).  I have no idea how to wrap text round it and, although I manged to re-size it, I have no idea how to get it any clearer.... Oooh, yes I have!  It's clickable!  I amazed myself by designing my avatar (on previous post) but I can't insert a proper link to the site I got it from.  I put their address over there on the right of this page - you'll just have to copy and paste, I'm afraid.  I hope they aren't offended; I did my best!